Taking Children Fishing

When a father has a son, he dreams of the many fun activities that he will be able to introduce to them and share that special quality time with them. Fishing is one of those sports that I wanted to teach and show my son since he was born!

Now at six years of age, I thought it was time to see if he shares the same passion for sport fishing that I do and being a believer that more outdoor activities and sports is what we should be teaching our children, I felt ready to embark on such an adventure.

We had decided on La Paz for the whole family vacation and were now at the dock at six am where our Mosquito Fleet Panga had been waiting for our arrival. After some fifteen minutes we stopped to buy bait and my son’s eyes lit up when he saw the buckets of sardines fall into the bait receiver as if to say “small fish to catch bigger fish, wow”!

By the time we reached the fishing grounds we were ripe with anticipation of what was in store for us. As fate would have it, my son hooked up first and I felt compelled to help and instruct on correct procedures and to my amazement he was a natural. After a twenty-minute fight he managed to boat a fifteen-pound Yellow Tail that he struggled to hold up with the aid of our captain “Lamberto”. Although tired and beat my son’s face was a joy to see and he never stopped smiling for the rest of the day if not all week long. We continued to fish until two ‘o’clock and returned with enough fish for dinner that evening. We were truly proud anglers both of us now and have been telling our fish tales for some months now. Thank you to The Mosquito Fleet for making one of my dreams come true and of course to my good friend now and captain, Lamberto.

I’ll never forget that first time taking my firstborn son out on a trip and now look forward to taking my newborn son on a trip in a few years!